WorkFit Meets with the Minister for Disabled People

Carol Boys (Chief Executive, DSA) and members of the WorkFit team met with the Minister for Disabled People, Mr Mark Harper MP, last week to discuss the WorkFit programme.

This was a great opportunity to put forward to the Minister the barriers people with Down’s syndrome face entering employment and also explore with the department any potential partnering opportunities.

n2a3720CrThe WorkFit team presented the success of the project and provided tangible experiences of people of with Down’s syndrome entering work and keeping their jobs. The Minister was particularly impressed with the support package we provide to both employers and prospective jobseekers and the excellent results WorkFit has achieved thus far.

Even with the success WorkFit has had, we were keen to inform the Minister that more still needs to be done – particularly in acknowledging the role of specialist programmes such as WorkFit and providing accessible funding streams to continue their fantastic work.

The Minister was keen for the DSA to be involved in various DWP initiatives to improve the employment prospects for people with learning disabilities and we look forward to updating you with our progress.


For more information about WorkFit please contact the team on 0333 1212 300 or email us on

If you would like to find a job with WorkFit, click here to register now!

If you are an employer and would like to find out more about WorkFit click here.