Tara gets a job at Donna Karan

The Donna Karan store offered Tara a paid three-month internship as part of the WorkFit programme: an experience that very quickly proved to benefit everyone!

Tara quickly showed the team what she could do. She completed all of the tasks with which she was given: entering data into the customer database, welcoming and advising customers, and participating in the reorganisation of the store’s warehouse, among other things. Tara’s internship also let her gain several new skills. Also her work really helped the store’s good results throughout the entire time of her internship.

The store manager said that having Tara on her team helped her to improve her own work. “Tara made me aware of all the stages needed to train somebody. Tara helped us – my management team and myself – to optimise our coaching skills. A positive impression shared by the store’s entire team, which was pleased to have worked with such a dynamic and positive young woman.”




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