Good news for Luke

Luke volunteers one day a week at a police station in Wiltshire.

Luke was told he would be receiving a Certificate of Appreciation for his significant contribution to the quality of service provided by staff in the Contact Management department to the people of Wiltshire.

Luke’s parents and grand-parents were able to attend the ceremony to see him receive his award, alongside other colleagues being awarded Commendations and Certificates of Merit.

Luke began working as an administration volunteer in April 2016. His role involves supporting the Crime & Communication Centre teams at the station. He has become a popular member of the team. The Chief Constable frequently includes Luke’s story in his Equality and Inclusion seminars.

There was also a surprise in store for Luke at the awards ceremony last week.

His mum and dad had been told that after he received his award he would also be presented with a contract of employment to become a permanent paid member of the force.

Luke3_CLuke was speechless, a little shocked and near to tears when he was presented with his new contract as he has wanted a permanent job for a long time.

His grand-parents were also very emotional, as well as some of his colleagues.

Many congratulations Luke!




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