“It’s the kind of job that I have always wanted” Angus exceeds expectations at Unity Trust Bank

Angus has been working three days a week as a Banking Assistant at Unity Trust Bank since February.

Julia, the bank’s HR Director, contacted WorkFit after reading an article in the Sunday Times. The article highlighted the contributions that people with learning disabilities can make to a workforce. Unity Trust Bank’s own inclusive philosophy was also an inspiration for them to contact WorkFit:

“Unity Trust Bank is an independent commercial bank with a social conscience. We are the Bank for organisations and businesses that aim to create community, social or environmental benefit in a financially sustainable way. We seek to put social change at the heart of everything we do by offering specialist banking and finance to organisations that have a positive impact on their communities”

Angus works with Rachel and Ryan and is managed by Rowena, Customer Service Manager. Before he started in the role, his whole team received Down’s syndrome awareness training. The training gave Angus’ team a better understanding of the condition and how they might best support someone with Down’s syndrome in the workplace. The team certainly appreciated the training:

Angus with Ryan and Rachel

“I feel much more confident to be a buddy for someone with Down’s syndrome”; “I feel very positive and have a greater knowledge and insight into Down’s syndrome” and “Individuals with learning difficulties are just like everyone else, they want to learn and be appreciated” 

Angus has a number of duties and responsibilities and a key role in recording customer correspondence. His tasks include preparing and dispatching customer correspondence, logging customer details and interactions on spread sheets, typing up customer correspondence and other word processing and other administrative tasks. Angus’s strong IT skills have allowed him to quickly pick up these tasks and his great ability to identify anomalies and duplication has helped the bank to avoid a lot of unnecessary errors. He has also completed a selection of online e-learning courses on Health & Safety and a workplace survey.

Angus is thrilled to be working at the bank: “It’s a great team and a great organisation. I’m really glad to work here – it’s the kind of job that I have always wanted. I’ve always been good with spread-sheets and word processing and I’ve learned new skills. I get paid for doing a good job.”

Angus’s colleagues have been enthusiastic and committed to the WorkFit programme. They have given Angus fantastic training and support to become a fully integrated member of the team. Rachel and Ryan have been delighted with how well he has got on in his job and how much he has contributed in a social capacity.

Angus with his colleagues

Julia has also been delighted with Angus, commenting that: Angus has enlightened us about working with someone with a learning disability. People with Down’s syndrome can make a huge contribution and do lots of things. Angus has far exceeded our expectations and in addition to his vocational skills he has personal attributes wanted by all employers – he is punctual, reliable and cheerful with a great sense of humour. He is consistent and is never fazed by anything”

We thank Unity Trust Bank for their on-going support of WorkFit and hope that others will be inspired by Julia and Angus.

WorkFit supports people with Down’s syndrome to access meaningful work opportunities that can benefit the rest of their lives. For more information about WorkFit please contact the team on 0333 12 12 300 or email us on dsworkfit@downs-syndrome.org.uk

For more information visit the Work Fit website: www.dsworkfit.org.uk