Greggs Triumph at the Understanding Disability Awards 2017

We are delighted to announce that both Greggs and Miss Tilley’s Cafe, founded by our candidate Laura, recently triumphed at the Understanding Disability Awards in Cardiff.

The awards are held annually by Cardiff & the Vale Parents’ Federation to celebrate people who have made an extra effort to involve and include people with learning disabilities in everyday life. Awards are made in a number of categories following nominations by members of the public. The awards are highly valued by recipients and demonstrate the efforts of hidden heroes within the community who volunteer their time and efforts to help others. More than 100 people attended the event to see people of all ages receive recognition for their efforts.

Helen at the award ceremony

WorkFit employer Greggs won the employer award.  This category recognises organisations willing to employ people with a learning disability who, with the right training and support, have the potential to become permanent, paid employees. Greggs have recruited a significant number of WorkFit candidates in their shops throughout Wales and have provided the training and support needed to allow several of them to progress to permanent, paid work. Harry and Helen, two permanent employees who have benefited from this partnership, joined their team members from Greggs to receive the award. Helen said “it has been a wonderful day, I’m really pleased that Greggs have won the award. I love working at Greggs. It has been lovely to see the other award winners too”. Harry said “I have had a fantastic day, I have really enjoyed being with so many people I know. It’s great that Greggs won the award”. Greggs are worthy winners and we look forward to continuing our relationship with them in the future.

Greggs staff with the award

The Miss Tilley’s Cafe project won in the volunteer category. The project is run by WorkFit candidate Laura with her close friend Clare Rowthorn. It is a pop-up café that provides tea, coffee and cakes hand-made by Clare.  The cafe originally supported and developed five young people with Down’s syndrome and has plans to increase this in the future. The funds raised by the cafe cover the cost of ingredients, and support the Down’s Syndrome Association and other charities. Clare was recognised at the awards for the support she has provided Laura with establishing Miss Tilley’s Community Cafe. Clare has shown significant dedication by volunteering three days a week to supervise and help the project and we thank her for her efforts.

Harry with the award

Greggs and their employees as well as Laura, Clare and the Miss Tilley’s team are an inspiration to us all. We thank them for their support for WorkFit and look forward to working with them all in the future.

WorkFit supports people with Down’s syndrome to access meaningful work opportunities that can benefit the rest of their lives. For more information about WorkFit please contact the team on 0333 12 12 300 or email us on




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