“I feel good about myself. I feel proud and I tell everyone about my job”

WorkFit are pleased to announce an expansion of our partnership with the Legal Aid Agency. We have recently worked with the Legal Aid Agency in Birmingham to offer a 12-week work experience placement to WorkFit candidate, Simran.

Before the placement began a member of the WorkFit team ran a free training session which provided detailed information on supporting a colleague with Down’s syndrome in the workplace. Feedback from the training was positive with comments such as: “Very informative – addressed any pre-conceived notions concerning Down’s syndrome”

Simran began her placement in January, working 4 hours a day for 3 days a week.  She works closely with her buddy Amjid (pictured below with Simran) in the Crime Applications Team. She has adapted well to the office environment, quickly settling in to her role processing applications on a bespoke computer system.

Simran is being well supported by her colleagues who were happy to welcome her. Before Simran joined the team, Amjid prepared a detailed set of instructions to help her learn the procedure for the online tasks by following a series of annotated screenshots. After her first two weeks the notes were no longer required and Simran was completing the procedures independently with Amjid working next to her to offer support as required.

The Legal Aid Agency has been delighted by Simran’s progress. Operations Manager, Linda, has been extremely supportive of Simran and the WorkFit programme and shares the Agency’s ambition to offer opportunities to people with Down’s syndrome. She told us: Simran is joyful and happy at work. She has a wonderful positive attitude. The whole office is happy to have her here. Simran’s colleague Beverley agreed, commenting that: Simran brightens my day. She has a lovely singing voice and sometimes sings along quietly to herself”.

Simran has been delighted by the opportunity, telling us that: I really enjoy processing claims. I have to add information to the database. Everyone here is really nice and I like working here. I like working on the computer system and stamping the letters. I really like Amjid and Sadia, they help me and lots of people say hello and chat to me. Usually I bring my lunch but sometimes some of us go out for lunch. I like to buy chocolate from the tuck shop. I feel good about myself. I feel proud and I tell everyone about my job”.

Simran’s time at the Legal Aid Agency has added some excellent experience to her CV. She also recently took on another very important role as chief bridesmaid at her sister Narinder’s wedding. We wish Simran all the best for the future and thank the Legal Aid Agency for their on-going support for WorkFit.

WorkFit North is possible due to the Big Lottery Fund England.

WorkFit supports people with Down’s syndrome to access meaningful work opportunities that can benefit the rest of their lives. For more information about WorkFit please contact the team on 0333 12 12 300 or email us on dsworkfit@downs-syndrome.org.uk

For more information visit the WorkFit website: www.dsworkfit.org.uk




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