Lovely to hear about Lauren

We always love to hear how our candidates are getting on after they have secured a placement. We were therefore delighted to hear how Lauren (pictured below) is getting on in her permanent, paid job at Merkle Periscopix, a pay-per-click advertising agency.

Merkle Periscopix registered with WorkFit in 2016. We delivered a free session of WorkFit’s Down’s syndrome awareness training to the team. This covered useful areas such as support strategies and the learning profile associated with Down’s syndrome. Feedback from the training was positive, with comments such as: “I have learnt a great deal! I have a better understanding of what Down’s syndrome actually is”, and “Helpful as it gave me a better understanding of how to shape the role”.

Lauren began work at Merkle Periscopix in August 2016 as a Breakout Area Assistant. She makes sure that all the coffee machines and water coolers are clean and that there is plenty of clean crockery.

Lauren really enjoys working at Merkle. She says “I feel confident, independent, committed, fascinated, inspired, fantastic, unique, proud, I just love working, I love getting the train, having my own money. Life is great”.

Lauren has been helped in her position by the independent provider Satash Community Car and Newham Workplace. Satash supported Lauren with interviews and finding job opportunities. They recently visited Lauren at work and were delighted to see her in such a friendly and relaxed workplace where she is nurtured and supported.

Newham Workplace worked with her to improve her interview skills and helped her find work experience when Lauren was part of the Project Search programme at Newham University Hospital. Their support has been invaluable to Lauren in her job at Merkle.

Lauren’s parents are understandably very proud of their daughter. Her mother Margaret told WorkFit: “Lauren is very lucky…she’s got great employers and a really fabulous care team looking out for her.  Her life is so full and she has so much fun.” Her mother also told us that Lauren’s independence and confidence has improved as a result of her job.

Lauren at work with colleagues Tatiana and Keshia

Merkle Periscopix are delighted by Lauren and WorkFit. Her co-workers love working with her. One of her colleagues, Keshia, recently said that “…working with Lauren, especially when she smiles or gives us a giggle, reminds me not to take life so seriously”. Her colleague Tatiana agreed, saying that “Lauren is very kind, sociable and always ready to engage with people. She is able to change your mood in a very positive way.”  

Lauren has been at Merkle for well over a year now and it’s great to hear that she’s settled in so well. Congratulations! Lauren is an inspiration to us all and we would like to thank Merkle Periscopix, Newham Workplace and Satash Community Care for all the support they have provided. We wish all of them the best of luck for the future.

Do you want to be featured in a blog like Lauren? email to let us know how you are getting on in your placement.

WorkFit supports people with Down’s syndrome to access meaningful work opportunities that can benefit the rest of their lives. For more information about WorkFit please contact the team on 0333 12 12 300 or email us on

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