Month: May 2018

WorkFit shortlisted at the ERSA Awards

WorkFit shortlisted at the ERSA Awards

We are always pleased when our work is recognised, therefore we are delighted to announce that we have been shortlisted in three categories at the Employment Related Services Association Employability Awards 2018 held on the 14 June. The awards provide an opportunity...

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New WorkFit Wales Opportunity

New WorkFit Wales Opportunity

The WorkFit programme can help you to find the job opportunity that you want. We have received new funding from Active Inclusion Wales.  We support people with Down’s syndrome in Wales and we can help you with benefits, education and other services provided by the...

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WorkFit secures new funding from Active Inclusion

WorkFit secures new funding from Active Inclusion

WorkFit are pleased to announce that we been awarded funding from the Active Inclusion Fund to provide support to people with Down’s syndrome aged 25+ and their families and their carers across Wales. This funding is a recognition of our success in supporting people...

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