WorkFit secures new funding from Active Inclusion

WorkFit are pleased to announce that we been awarded funding from the Active Inclusion Fund to provide support to people with Down’s syndrome aged 25+ and their families and their carers across Wales.

This funding is a recognition of our success in supporting people with Down’s syndrome into meaningful work opportunities across Wales over the last four years- . We also aim to provide a range of support that we know is important to our members and supporters across the country.

WorkFit has mainly focused on supporting candidates into work. This funding will also allow us to engage with families and carers of people with Down’s syndrome aged 25+ and find out more about what is important to them and how best we can support them.

We know that information and support can be difficult to find and access and this is an opportunity for you to talk to us and tap into over ten years of WorkFit experience.













The funding will give us the opportunity to come out and meet parents and carers to discuss a range of topics, including:

  • Support in relation to employment – we have a long and successful history of supporting people with Down’s syndrome into meaningful work opportunities including paid work, work experience and volunteering.
  • Benefits guidance – The Down’s Syndrome Association has dedicated Benefits Advisors who can support families to not only maximise benefit entitlement but to guide them through the ever changing benefits system. This support is free and we are currently supporting lots of families across the UK who are moving to Universal Credits and the move from DLA to PIP.
  • Access to further learning – we can support you in finding out what is available and how to access in your area.
  • Services and programmes provided by the Down’s Syndrome Association: including DSActive, training about the condition, health information and so much more…….
  • The Down’s Syndrome Association will also look at opportunities to work in partnership with organisations for support and guidance in your area.

While this funding is for the over 25’s, we still welcome enquiries from people younger than this.

WorkFit supports people with Down’s syndrome to access meaningful work opportunities that can benefit the rest of their lives. For more information about WorkFit please contact the team on 0333 12 12 300 or email us on

For more information visit the WorkFit website:





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