Lane makes a huge impact at Wiltshire Police

We are delighted by the development of our partnership with Wiltshire Police. Through collaborative work with the force we have been able to create four placements at stations in the county. Wiltshire Police have also supported us with fundraising, conference appearances and promotional videos. One of the candidates to benefit from the partnership was 19 year old Lane, who earlier this year completed a six month placement at Gablecross Police Station as a police volunteer.

Lane got to experience working in various departments during the course of his placement including the enquiry desk and main parade room. His duties included administration, filing, dealing with post, helping to maintain police vehicles and supporting officers. Staff at the station have been delighted by the contribution he has made, with Supt Adrian Burt having nothing but praise for him. He told us:

“Lane really had a positive impact, he has an infectious smile and a unique sense of humour that has really brightened up the station. We are really pleased that we could give him this experience and thank him for all his hard work. There are limited placements available and we are privileged to be able to help out. We tried really hard to make sure that Lane gained skills and enjoyed his time with us, we tailored his duties to meet his needs and we have benefited from having his assistance.”

Lane wanted to see a few other behind the scenes areas of the station before he left and along with Sharon Innes, who was instrumental in organising Lane’s placement, visited the Crime Scene Investigation Department where he learned about fingerprints. Then it was off to Custody where he had a quick experience of being in a cell.

Lane has built upon his success at Gablecross station by gaining a work experience placement at Overtown Manor. A big thank-you to Wiltshire Police for supporting him in his placement.

WorkFit supports people with Down’s syndrome to access meaningful work opportunities that can benefit the rest of their lives. We welcome enquiries from police forces inspired by Wiltshire- to find out more please contact the team on 0333 12 12 300 or email us on

For more information visit the WorkFit website:





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