Luke’s Journey at Wiltshire Police

WorkFit recently asked Roy Perrett of Wiltshire Police to describe the journey that his WorkFit candidate Luke has undertaken over the last two and a half years culminating in Luke achieving his City & Guilds in Employability Skills.

Luke came to Wiltshire Police via the Down’s Syndrome Association’s WorkFit programme in April 2016, initially in a voluntary capacity. Through Luke’s hard work, dedication and tenacity he secured paid employment with the force in December 2016.

This was the fulfilment of a huge ambition for Luke and as he says himself “a paid job is a dream come true”.

Roy told us that Luke now works 8 hours a week, doing two 4 hour shifts in his ‘Administrator’ role, every Wednesday and Friday in the Crime & Communication Centre, Police Headquarters, Devizes. Luke has performed his role brilliantly, he loves his job, particularly working with his team. Roy recalls that Luke was a very quiet person and told us how it has been wonderful to see him grow into the confident professional he is today. Luke is also determined to inspire others to promote equality, diversity, inclusion and to share his journey and what can be achieved. He has attended employability fairs for the disabled and also made speeches at a Downs Syndrome WorkFit conference, Devizes School Assembly and most recently at the ‘British Association for Supported Employment Awards’, where with Jeremy Grew, his friend and fellow Wiltshire Police colleague. Luke and Jeremy informed those present what their jobs meant to them. Their words were poignant and heart-felt and those present were very impressed.

Roy has also been very impressed to see Luke studying diligently over the last 12 months for his City & Guilds Traineeship in Employability Skills, which includes a Maths and English qualification. Luke was supported by Intec Business Colleges Ltd in his studies and was recently awarded his certificate. A fantastic achievement and well deserved. All Luke’s hard work has paid off and this inspiring young man is now looking forward to his next challenge with his customary energy, enthusiasm and commitment. Luke’s future studies will be aligned to developing and enhancing his ‘Business Administration’ skills.

Chief Constable, Kier Pritchard said: “It is a privilege to have Luke and Jeremy as part of our team. We are keen to focus on ‘ability’ and found the philosophy of the Work Fit programme complemented our approach and also provided the tools and training to help us offer the best possible support to these exceptional young men.”

WorkFit supports people with Down’s syndrome to access meaningful work opportunities that can benefit the rest of their lives. For more information about WorkFit please contact the team on 0333 12 12 300 or email us on

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