WorkFit Update: December 2023

Minister for Disabled People, Work & Health, Tom Pursglove MP, visited two WorkFit candidates, Alex and Ese, in their jobs at two London employer sites: Savills and Cord, accompanied by WorkFit Manager Alison Thwaite and DSA Policy Manager Chris Rees to talk about the success of the programme.

During the meeting, Tom Pursglove MP was introduced to Alex and Ese, who shared their experiences of the workplace, and how they were supported to find, and maintain, their jobs through the WorkFit programme. There was much to share about our process, and our track record in getting amazing candidates into, and remaining in, employment plus the huge impact this has on individuals and their workplaces. Thank you to everyone involved.


Following the wonderful event at Sir Lindsay Hoyle’s reception for Disability History Month in November, WorkFit were invited to take part in a feature on Today in Parliament on Radio 4 about the new members of staff at UK Parliament who have Down’s syndrome from our WorkFit programme.

You can listen here – – from about twenty minutes in.



The new design for #LotsofSocks 2024 is available to purchase now! This is a great way to support the work of the Down’s Syndrome Association, and could be a wonderful gift or corporate giveaway. You can buy them directly from our online shop.

Or, if you would like to place a bulk order please contact




Early next year you will be able to view shortlisted photographs from the My Perspective photography competition at several public exhibitions across the country. Thank you to our partner employer, Hilton, for hosting the exhibition at three of their hotels!

Check them out and show your support at:

  • Exeter Library: 12 October to 12 January (EX4 3PQ)
  • Hilton London Metropole: 22 January to 9 February (W2 1JU)
  • Hilton Birmingham Metropole: 12 February to 29 February (B40 1PP)
  • Hilton Leeds City: 4 March to 22 March (LS1 4BX)


We would like to wish everyone Seasons Greetings and a Happy New Year from the WorkFit team.

Thank you to all of our partner employers who have supported our WorkFit candidates this year.

It has been a great year and we look forward to developing  more employment opportunities for our candidates in 2024! 

Please note that our offices will be closed from Friday 22nd December to Monday 1st January inclusive. 

To find out more about WorkFit and how we support people who have Down’s syndrome to access meaningful work opportunities that can benefit the rest of their lives, please contact the team on 0333 12 12 300 or email us on For more information visit the WorkFit website:




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