Ben’s life changing career with the support of WorkFit!

I heard about WorkFit and decided to get in touch and find out more.  Alison talked to Ben about what kind of job he wanted and his hobbies and interests. Soon after she told us about the possibility of an opportunity for Ben. He now has something that we never thought possible…not just a job, but a career.Ben’s mum, Angie. 


Ben registered for the Down’s Syndrome Association’s WorkFit programme with the hope of finding a job. Whilst he had some volunteering experience in the past, it was difficult to find an employer who would consider him for ongoing paid work. Through WorkFit, he has found successful employment, which has enabled him to learn new skills, increase his confidence and really find a sense of belonging through having a meaningful role as part of a team.  

With the support of WorkFit Ben began a work experience placement at the DEFRA National Laboratory Service in Leeds as a Laboratory Assistant, working for 10 hours a week over 2 days. WorkFit supported the National Laboratory Service with Down’s syndrome awareness training, as well as advice on job carving and reasonable adjustments to ensure that Ben would have the support he needed to thrive in a role. He was also assigned two work buddies to work alongside him on the job.


With this support, Ben was able to learn the important procedures required for his role, ‘I know what to do on the computer and how to register samples and put labels on them. I get up early on the days I come to work, and I take all the deliveries from the drivers and sign for them. I put information about the samples that I look after on to spreadsheets.’ 

Within a few weeks of him starting work, the team were so impressed with how Ben had progressed that he was offered a permanent job, becoming a valued member of the Sample Preparation and Registration Team. Whilst he needed more close supervision to undertake his duties initially, over time he became familiar with the tasks and was able to operate more independently. Ben told us about how his job has increased his confidence, ‘I talk to people lots more. I was still shy at first till I got to know people, but not now. I can get organised, make my dinner, wash my work clothes. I can read and write better and tell the time.’  





Since then, Ben’s confidence in speaking has really improved. In January 2017, Ben volunteered to speak publicly at the WorkFit Yorkshire & Humber Conference along with his mum, Angie. WorkFit Officer Becki commented, ‘In Ben’s own words, he feels that he has become a man over the last 7 years, and this has been down to his work through the WorkFit programme.  Ben was never spoken to at college about the possibility of being an assistant scientist and never thought it would be possible as they had only offered café work to him, so it made him very proud to know that he was giving back to society and playing a big part in the work they do at the environment agency.’ 


After the first week at work, Ben began catching the bus independently and eventually asked to increase his hours at the National Laboratory Service to 13 hours over 2 days instead of 10. Ben’s colleague Joe commented, You won’t find Ben shying away from a challenge, and witnessing his growing confidence over the last few years has been an absolute privilege.’ 

After working at the National Laboratory Service for more than 6 years, unfortunately, there had to be some changes to the building, and after moving house, Ben was finding the commute quite tiring, so he asked WorkFit to help in finding him a new job. Whilst this could have been quite an unsettling change, with the help of WorkFit Officer Becki Bateson, and the inclusive employers at East Riding of Yorkshire Council, a new role was found for Ben working as a labourer at their Beverley Depot.  

After only a short time in the role Ben has started to impress his colleagues with his practical thinking and initiative, advising them on how to make the yard area more accessible for everyone and suggesting ideas to clear it up. Ben has been supported to implement his ideas and is making a valuable contribution to the depot already. Ben told us, ‘I am happy to wake up and go to work. I like to learn new things and try it. I like to tell people at work my ideas for stuff. They listen, have a meeting, and say “Right, lets sort it Ben”. Then we do it.


Philip Burgess, Fleet Services Manager told us “All is going very well with Ben, week on week he settles in even more.  The yard has never looked so clean and tidy, the amount of positive feedback from colleagues in other departments for Ben is fantastic. Ben’s confidence has continued to grow, recently making a guest appearance at the Depot Manager’s meeting last week, mainly so he could collect his plaudits in person. 

He has also put forward some suggestions, including a follow up meeting to take place in ‘his’ yard to explain to other departmental managers where further improvements have been identified by Ben. He’s a fantastic member of my team, I’d have 10 of Ben’s if I could.” 



Ben now works 27.5 hours over 5 days and is proud of his job and earning his own money. This has enabled him to save up and buy a static caravan on his family’s land so that he can live semi-independently. He does his own shopping, most of his own cooking, pays for his own utilities and was able to purchase furnishings of his choice for his caravan to really make it feel like home.  

Ben’s mum, Angie said, ‘Work has not only changed Ben’s life but ours as a family. Ben has grown massively in confidence. He voices his opinions and thoughts; he is his own person. He has grown so much in maturity and building friendships and relationships with other adults out of the family. The admiration that we have of everything Ben has achieved is unmeasurable, he does us all proud every day. 









Thank you to all of our employers for their continued support of our WorkFit programme, and good luck to everyone starting new roles this month. 

To find out more about WorkFit and how we support people who have Down’s syndrome to access meaningful work opportunities that can benefit the rest of their lives, please contact the team on 0333 12 12 300 or email us on For more information visit the WorkFit website:




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