
Shomari develops his career at Rabobank

Shomari develops his career at Rabobank

WorkFit would like to acknowledge the wonderful support Shomari has received since starting his job at Rabobank in London. Shomari started a paid fixed term position in September 2017 as a Mail Room Clerk working for one day doing five hours per week. This was a...

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Awareness Week 2018: the best yet!

Awareness Week 2018: the best yet!

Down’s Syndrome Awareness Week 2018 (19 and 25 March) saw people across the country celebrating and raising awareness of Down’s syndrome and fundraising for WorkFit and the DSA in a whole variety of different ways. Many of our WorkFit partners took part in the Great...

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Lovely to hear about Lauren

Lovely to hear about Lauren

We always love to hear how our candidates are getting on after they have secured a placement. We were therefore delighted to hear how Lauren (pictured below) is getting on in her permanent, paid job at Merkle Periscopix, a pay-per-click advertising agency. Merkle...

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Donna Karan gives an opportunity to Tara

Donna Karan gives an opportunity to Tara

Donna Karan being one of the LVMH Maisons, gives an opportunity to Tara a young woman with Down’s syndrome. Marlo highlights this experience-

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Tara gets a job at Donna Karan

Tara gets a job at Donna Karan

The Donna Karan store offered Tara a paid three-month internship as part of the WorkFit programme: an experience that very quickly proved to benefit everyone! Tara quickly showed the team what she could do. She completed all of the tasks with which she was given:...

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Krystyna- My Story

Krystyna- My Story

My name is Krystyna. In my spare time, I like to watch football, go to zumba and listen to music. I like Magic FM because I can relax. I work in Travelodge. I get there on the bus. I get there sometimes really early. My job is to take people for breakfast and I also...

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