WorkFit Updates

WorkFit Update: January 2024

WorkFit Update: January 2024

Six of our WorkFit candidates are now working in the House of Commons in various roles. Amy (pictured) and James, two of our WorkFit candidates who have started new roles in UK Parliament, have recently been featured on the Radio 4 World Tonight team. You can listen...

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WorkFit Update: December 2023

WorkFit Update: December 2023

Minister for Disabled People, Work & Health, Tom Pursglove MP, visited two WorkFit candidates, Alex and Ese, in their jobs at two London employer sites: Savills and Cord, accompanied by WorkFit Manager Alison Thwaite and DSA Policy Manager Chris Rees to talk about...

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WorkFit Update: November 2023

WorkFit Update: November 2023

We are thrilled to announce the success of the WorkFit team and our partner employer, GXO, at the British Association for Supported Employment (BASE) Awards 2023. The BASE awards are an opportunity to celebrate the wonderful work that takes place across the Supported...

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WorkFit Update: June 2023

WorkFit Update: June 2023

WorkFit Manager Alison and WorkFit Officer Becki had lots of fun attending The Big Logistics Diversity Challenge this month! It was great to connect with so many organisations from the logistics industry, all demonstrating their passion, support and enthusiasm to...

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WorkFit Update: May 2023

WorkFit Update: May 2023

WorkFit candidate Grace did an amazing job welcoming Jo Gideon MP to her workplace at the Dunelm Distribution Centre in Stoke last month. Grace showed Jo around and explained the work that she does there. Jo said 'I was truly inspired by this exceptional young person...

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Sarah’s job at XPO Logistics, Kegworth

Sarah’s job at XPO Logistics, Kegworth

WorkFit has recently been working with Sarah who told us that she was keen to work in an administrative role to build on her previous experience. WorkFit have built a strong partnership with XPO Logistics over the last 2 years and we were delighted to be approached by...

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WorkFit Employers support with the impact of COVID-19

WorkFit Employers support with the impact of COVID-19

Return to Work Toolkit for Employers Dear WorkFit Employers, we hope that you are all safe and well and we know that you are all working incredibly hard, doing all you can to support your employees, colleagues and customers through this very difficult time. We are...

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