
Celebrating Three Years of WorkFit Wales at The Senedd

Celebrating Three Years of WorkFit Wales at The Senedd

WorkFit Wales celebrated three successful years on 22 May 2017, at a reception hosted by Julie James, Welsh Government Assembly Minister for Skills and Science, at The Senedd in Cardiff Bay. Over 80 people from all across Wales attended the reception. The attendees...

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Luke’s work experience has certainly paid off!

Luke’s work experience has certainly paid off!

Luke is 22 years old and lives in South Wales. He started in July 2016, working on a Saturday morning in Dunelm. During his initial work experience he learned essential café skills, made some good friends and enjoyed the whole experience. Dunelm immediately saw Luke’s...

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A parent’s perspective of WorkFit

A parent’s perspective of WorkFit

Ffion's mum has shared her views on WorkFit and employment... My name is Janice; my daughter Ffion who is nearly 18 years old has Down’s syndrome. She attends High School where she is in the 6th form and she is a prefect. After a very successful work experience...

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Jack and Rhys in Wales have both completed work experience

Jack and Rhys in Wales have both completed work experience

Last month we talked about the importance of meaningful work experience and heard about Luke and Ffion’s time at Dunelm Mill and Carmarthenshire Association of Voluntary Services (CAVS). Today we’ll find out how Jack and Rhys did in their work experience placements....

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In Wales Luke and Ffion have both completed work experience

In Wales Luke and Ffion have both completed work experience

WorkFit would always encourage young people to try and include some work experience in their busy lives, if possible. Many young people with Down’s syndrome in school and college may not be able to benefit from “meaningful work experience”. We see huge long term...

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Ffion- My Story

Ffion- My Story

My name is Ffion.  When I returned to school as a 6th form student I was very nervous and excited about the new changes and challenges I would be experiencing. Being a 6th form student, it is very different. Teachers talk to you like an adult and you can decide what...

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WorkFit Wales Roadshow

WorkFit Wales Roadshow

WorkFit in Wales recently held their first WorkFit Roadshow. It was a wonderful opportunity to get together with people working in the Cardiff area. WorkFit is planning to hold similar Roadshows around the country. It’s great to be able to listen to people we’ve...

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