Tim – My Story

My name is Tim.

I am 23 years old and I live in Cheshire. I work for Timpson Ltd.

Down's syndromeI got my first pay cheque this week. It was great. I now have my own bank account and card. I can save money and spend money. The first thing I did was take some money out using my card and brought a round of drinks for my family and friends!

I need to wear smart clothes, be punctual and work hard. Best thing about Timpson is the people who work there and help if I get stuck on anything.

My boss is Les. We call him the “Podmaster.”Down's syndrome

Last week we went out on a staff social to Belle Vue dog track. It was brilliant.

Timpson are a very good company, they really look after their staff. There is a gym where I work out after work before I go home. There is also a pool table and a table tennis table to play on at lunch break.




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