Month: January 2018

Sarah gains valuable work experience at Legal Aid

Sarah gains valuable work experience at Legal Aid

Last year WorkFit worked with the Legal Aid Agency in Jarrow to offer a 12 week work experience placement to our candidate, Sarah. The LAA showed their commitment to supporting Sarah in her placement by attending free training sessions to find out about the condition...

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WorkFit Wales sees fantastic results

WorkFit Wales sees fantastic results

In 2014 the Down’s Syndrome Association secured funding from the Big Lottery Fund Wales to develop WorkFit in Wales. Our aim was to help candidates aged 14-25 years to secure meaningful work that they wanted and enjoyed, doing work that interested them and they were...

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“His work ethic is incredible”!

“His work ethic is incredible”!

WorkFit have recently had the pleasure of working with Horwich Cohen Coghlan (HCC) Solicitors in Manchester to create a permanent paid position for Bilal. Earlier in the year Bilal had completed a successful work experience placement at Eastlands Trust. HCC Solicitors...

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