Month: September 2015

Laura’s work experience at Cardiff University

Laura’s work experience at Cardiff University

Laura who lives near Cardiff has recently benefited from the WorkFit project in Wales. Laura is now entering her last year at Derwen College and felt that it would be a good time to start thinking about life after college. Laura enjoys work experience whilst at...

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Tara gets a job at Donna Karan

Tara gets a job at Donna Karan

The Donna Karan store offered Tara a paid three-month internship as part of the WorkFit programme: an experience that very quickly proved to benefit everyone! Tara quickly showed the team what she could do. She completed all of the tasks with which she was given:...

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Krystyna- My Story

Krystyna- My Story

My name is Krystyna. In my spare time, I like to watch football, go to zumba and listen to music. I like Magic FM because I can relax. I work in Travelodge. I get there on the bus. I get there sometimes really early. My job is to take people for breakfast and I also...

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