Awareness Week 2018

Down’s Syndrome Awareness Week runs from 19 to 25 of March. It is one of the highlights of the year for the Down’s Syndrome Association and this year’s theme is “What I Bring To My Community”. WorkFit will be playing an important role in the week and so we want to let you know what we are doing and how you can get involved.

World Down’s Syndrome Day

The 21 March is World Down’s Syndrome Day, run by Down’s Syndrome International- the worldwide organisation for people with Down’s syndrome to which the DSA belongs. DSi are hosting a special conference at UN headquarters in New York which aims to inform key groups of the benefits of employing people with Down’s syndrome and to promote positive change. People with Down’s syndrome, employers, parents, experts and government representatives will all be taking part.


WorkFit will be attending with employers, candidates and parents. The event is live-streamed by the UN. We also attended the event in 2013 and you can read all about our previous visit here.

Social Media

Throughout Awareness Week the DSA will be sharing video case studies via Social Media on the theme of inclusion. We want to know what inclusion means to you and what you get out of it- so please send us your photos and videos throughout the week and share them on social media with the hashtag #InclusionMatters.

The Great WorkFit Sock Challenge

Last year the DSA sold over 5,000 pairs of colourful socks to get people talking and raise money during Awareness Week. Two of our partner employers, Wiltshire Police and the Environment Agency, competed to see who could get the most staff members to wear the socks. Wiltshire Police won by a small margin – they even managed to get their dogs to wear the socks.

This year we are selling socks again and are challenging all of our employers to see how many socks they can sell to staff, family members and friends. Do you fancy a challenge? Then call 0333 12 12 300 to find out more.

Other plans

In 1999 Andy Merriman, a DSA supporter, wrote a frank and moving book, A Minor Adjustment, about his daughter Sarah’s early years. The national publicity it gained saw it become a treasured resource for other families on a similar journey, selling over 8,000 copies. He’s now written the follow-up, A Major Adjustment and the DSA are proud to publish it.

Sarah’s story takes us from her starring, aged five, in the Radio 4 comedy-drama series based on her own childhood to being part of Michel Roux Jr’s compelling Kitchen Impossible series at 23. Copies of A Major Adjustment will be available on our website from the beginning of Awareness Week.


The DSA are hosting an Open House at our national office in Teddington to showcase what the DSA does. If you would like to join us at the event, we’d love to see you there. Find out more on the DSA website.

Finally, our Fundraising team has got a host of exciting and fun ideas for you to raise some money and awareness in your community. There’s all sorts of suggestions, from cooking a three course meal to participating in a skydive.

Please call 0333 12 12 300 to find out about these opportunities

Awareness Week 2018 is set to be the best yet. We are very excited and hope you will get involved and be part of the celebration.




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