Emily- My Story

My name is Emily. I work for DEFRA in Yorkshire as part of the facilities team.  I am part of the WorkFit programme.

I started at DEFRA on a six week trial in April.  After my trial period I have been given a one year fixed contract which I started in May. I work for four hours a week and also attend college for 3 days and have a second job working in a library, one afternoon per week.

My job in Facilities includes filling the fridges in the five kitchens with milk, post opening duties, first aid supplies checks, room booking approvals, printing train tickets, franking outgoing mail and reception duties.

I find my job interesting because it gives me the chance to meet new people. Working on reception has helped me with my confidence. I can ask people to sign in, I can ask them to read the health and safety information and I am able to show them where to go if the fire alarm sounds.  I have a timetable with all my tasks and am now able to do the majority of my tasks on my own.  I like working with the facilities team because they are all really nice and I like working in a team.

As I mentioned before, I have a timetable with all my tasks listed and this helps me remember my duties for my morning ahead.  I have a tick sheet so I can tick off which kitchen I have put milk away in and a map so I remember all the kitchens that have been numbered to help me.  I can read and write but pictures do help me.  My team have helped me by labelling items up around the office with picture diagrams, for example all the stationery drawers have pictures of what is inside so I can easily see.

I recently went to London with my mum to be in the audience of Loose Women. I met Stacey Solomon, Jonny Vegas (who I love watching in Benidorm) and Martin Kemp! We stayed overnight in a hotel and ate fish and chips which are my favourite.

I would most like to have dinner with Little Mix because I love their music. I love listening to music with my best friend and dancing.  I also like to sing too but I always get told to keep it down!





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