Tom’s successful role at GXO Widnes

WorkFit have had the pleasure of working in partnership with GXO Widnes in the North West to create a permanent paid position for Tom.

Widnes is a busy logistics site that provides contractual recycling, tray washing services and equipment management to their customers. They have a team driven workplace culture, based on providing a supportive and inclusive working environment for all employees.

Overcoming barriers together

John, the Site Manager at Widnes, was keen to recruit a candidate through the WorkFit programme and registered in October 2020. During this difficult period of the Covid-19 pandemic, the WorkFit team were furloughed for long periods. Despite this, John and his team were dedicated to putting all the support in place for Tom to start when the Covid-19 situation was less of a concern.

To ensure that Tom’s position would be a success, staff from the site received Down’s Syndrome awareness training. This covered a range of relevant areas, including workplace communication and the best ways to support an employee with Down’s Syndrome. Feedback from the session was positive, with comments such as “very detailed approach to the subject with great tips on how to approach certain training aspects.”

A successful start

After a successful informal interview and site visit, Tom started his job, working eight hours a week as a Warehouse Operative. Tom has a very physical role at GXO, working in the tray wash area and bailing department. He has progressed to learning new tasks and continues to do very well. Tom has had a wonderful introduction to the GXO Widnes team and has built strong connections with his colleagues. Tom told WorkFit that he really enjoys working at GXO with his workmates and is enjoying his new role on the bailer. Tom had induction training before he could start this role and wears safety equipment to keep him safe. Tom said he is very proud to have a paid job and enjoys having a treat on the Friday when he gets his wages.

GXO Widnes have been equally delighted with Tom’s progress and how he has settled into the team. John, the site manager said, “Tom is a great asset to the company, his work rate is good, and his smile brings sunshine to the site! I would fully recommend WorkFit to any company as it’s a simple process and has far reaching benefits for the colleagues and the workplace.”

This is reflected by his family who said, “As parents, we are delighted with GXO, they are extremely professional and we have full confidence in them. They have given Tom a fantastic opportunity. In such a short time, Tom has matured, and we are so proud of him, when he walks into work, he is 6 feet tall with pride!”

Tom has excelled in his role at GXO Widnes, he is a popular and highly regarded member of the team. He receives outstanding support from his colleagues at GXO  Widnes, who are passionate and committed.

We are very grateful to GXO Widnes for their continued dedication to the WorkFit programme. 


To find out more about WorkFit and how we support people who have Down’s Syndrome to access meaningful work opportunities that can benefit the rest of their lives, please contact the team on 0333 12 12 300 or email us on

For more information visit the WorkFit website: