Harry’s role at VINCI Facilities provides increased independence

WorkFit Candidate Harry found successful employment at VINCI Facilities working in Cardiff Welsh Government buildings, with the support of WorkFit. 

Harry’s journey

Harry first met with WorkFit just prior to the COVID Pandemic and like many people with Down’s syndrome, Harry spent 18 months shielding and sadly lost the focus on finding work opportunities. WorkFit and Harry met up again in 2022 and together started to look at Harry’s future employment aspirations.

In September 2022 Harry started work with VINCI in their facilities team in Cardiff Welsh Government buildings. Harry has wonderful support from the team there and is learning new skills daily. Harry told us, From my first day, I received significant support and encouragement from my colleagues at VINCI and they have been welcoming ever since.”

Harry is also seeing other benefits from his new job. His goal was to incorporate independent travel into his new role. Harry said “It has been a breath of fresh air, as it has brought a lot more independence to my life. Taking the train from Barry to Cardiff and back, on my own, was a big leap as I had never done it before, but looking back, I simply trained myself into doing it.”

Harry’s father Dave said “We are very proud of Harry, he has not only started a new job and worked hard to succeed in his role, but he has also learnt to travel independently. After the COVID Pandemic this is the confidence boost he really needed. He has done so well.”

An opportunity to learn new skills

Vinci Facilities has provided a wonderful opportunity for Harry and through their support he is thriving.

Claire Davies the Facilities manager at Cardiff told us “Harry has been a great addition to our team here and I am proud of the progress he is making every day and the confidence he has gained along the way. Harry has fully participated and embraced our learning and development, and he has quickly gained his BICSc formal qualifications, plus ROSPA Manual Handling and other mandatory training. Harry’s great performance aside, he is naturally adapted to our Behaviours and Code of Conduct and he exemplifies a great VINCI employee.”

Harry has learnt a lot in a short time and his role involves:

  • Working as part of a team and alone
  • Working with his Supervisor, Mike Champion
  • Undertaking cleaning tasks to a high standard and using the latest technology
  • Gaining formal qualifications and always striving to do his best
  • Accurate high-quality work to meet all timescales

Harry’s story is a great example of the increased confidence and independence that can be achieved through meaningful work opportunities with a supportive employer.

Harry has received wonderful support from the VINCI Facilities team and we look forward to placing more great candidates at VINCI sites across England and Wales. 

To find out more about WorkFit and how we support people who have Down’s syndrome to access meaningful work opportunities that can benefit the rest of their lives, please contact the team on 0333 12 12 300 or email us on dsworkfit@downs-syndrome.org.uk For more information visit the WorkFit website: www.dsworkfit.org.uk




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