MPT take on a WorkFit candidate

Today’s guest post comes from one of our partners, MPT, who have just welcomed Ben on a 12 week work placement:

It is with great pleasure that MPT recently welcomed our new staff member Ben to the Trafford Park Line team. He will be working alongside our administration team helping to keep the office running smoothly one morning a week. Ben is on a 12 week work placement which has been arranged through the Down’s Syndrome Association’s (DSA) WorkFit programme.

Before Ben started work, WorkFit ran a couple of training sessions for staff explaining what Down’s syndrome is, ways to explain tasks to a person with Down’s syndrome and many more helpful and informative points for a successful placement. Over 50 members of staff attended and we are planning on rolling a tool box talk out to the workforce.

MPT Staff attend training

WorkFit is a service which turns the ‘supported employment’ concept on its head by finding the right employment opportunities for the right people. Supported employment is not an end destination but a stepping stone into a career pathway. The DSA want to move away from the concept of ‘giving people something to do’ to an approach which progresses employees towards new outcomes, through training, confidence building and skills development.

To find out more click through on the following link: –

Congratulations to Ben and thank you to MPT for providing him with this opportunity!

Find out more about being a WorkFit partner here or give us a call on 0333 1212 300.




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