“She is a valuable addition to our staff well loved by residents and staff alike”- Joanne and Warren Lodge Care Home

WorkFit are delighted to announce we have made a successful placement with Warren Lodge Care Home in South East England. Our candidate Joanne has a paid, permanent position at the home as a Kitchen Assistant, with a range of duties including serving tea and coffee to residents.

Before she began working at Warren Lodge Joanne had completed “Skills for Living” course at Reading College and had done work experience at another care home and a charity shop. During her assessment with WorkFit Joanne talked about her passion for helping the elderly due to her previous experience and said that she was keen to secure a job in that sector.

Warren Lodge provide outstanding care for the elderly, whatever their needs, in a homely setting that makes residents feel comfortable and secure. The home is set in two and a half acres of stunning landscaped grounds and is surrounded by beautiful country side.

After being approached by the local Employment Development Officer (EDO) Warren Lodge registered with WorkFit in early 2017 and following a visit and meeting the EDO knew it would be a perfect place for Joanne to work.

Staff from Warren Lodge then received Down’s syndrome awareness training to help make sure Joanne’s new job would be a success. The training covers a range of subjects, including myths and facts about Down’s syndrome and workplace communication. Feedback from the session was very encouraging, with comments such as:It got rid of myths connected with Down’s syndrome andI have gained more understanding of supporting someone with Down’s syndrome”. Soon after, Joanne was able to start work in Autumn 2017.

Joanne enjoys her work and has formed a strong rapport with the home’s residents. It is a significant achievement for Joanne to have obtained a permanent, paid job and her parents are understandably very proud. Her mother Dorothy told WorkFit:Joanne needed a work placement in a smaller, social environment with a structured work routine and where the catering skills she had already learnt could be put into practice, so a care home came to mind. The work placement she now has at Warren Lodge is a perfect match for her. Joanne works as a kitchen assistant serving the food to the residents as well as chatting to them which comes naturally to her due to her bubbly outgoing personality. We are really pleased with how the placement has worked out.

Warren Lodge Care Home has been delighted by Joanne and WorkFit. Goce Kostadinovski, the manager of the home, told usI am very happy and proud to have the opportunity to work with Joanne. She is a valuable addition to our staff and is well loved by residents and staff alike. The pride mainly comes from Joanne when I see her spending time with our residents. When I ask her how it was she happily answers with smile that she had a very good time as she has helped a particular resident. Joanne is paid member of staff, she is part of the team, she is one of us.

We are very grateful to Warren Lodge Care Home for their support of WorkFit. We share Dorothy and Goce’s pride in Joanne’s achievement, and wish her all the best for the future. We hope to expand our presence within the care sector and so hope others will be inspired by Warren Lodge and Joanne.

WorkFit supports people with Down’s syndrome to access meaningful work opportunities that can benefit the rest of their lives. For more information about WorkFit please contact the team on 0333 12 12 300 or email us on dsworkfit@downs-syndrome.org.uk

For more information visit the Work Fit website: www.dsworkfit.org.uk




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