In our last blog we told you about the success of Lane’s placement with Wiltshire Police earlier this year. The Wiltshire Police team had been so impressed by WorkFit that they were keen to take on another candidate and have recently welcomed Vivian to the team.
Employment Liaison Officer Jonathan Grew first met with Vivian and her parents earlier this year for an informal chat about the types of work and workplaces that she was interested in. Jonathan’s role is to help employers to unlock the potential of people with Down’s syndrome in the workplace. He has been working closely with the team that will support Vivian to create a suitable role for her and has provided training and guidance ahead of her start date. As with all employers, Jonathan provided a free session of Down’s syndrome Awareness Training prior to the placement starting. This covered areas such as memory/response, communication tips, learning style and also some anecdotes from other employers. It was something staff members found very useful, with one commenting that “it is great to know we have the support of WorkFit”.
Vivian started her placement at the start of November. She is primarily working on the front desk with duties include helping with Lost Property administration and mail distribution. She is the fifth WorkFit candidate to gain a position, showing the forces strong and ongoing commitment to diversity. They have taken steps to ensure her placement is a success, including assigning her an in-work buddy who will work alongside her in her new role. Joe Beattie, who will be Vivian’s, main buddy, said:
“The WorkFit training has been invaluable. It has given us a better understanding in general about Down’s syndrome. We appreciate that a structured approach will be a real help and as in any situation, communication is key.”
We wish Vivian all the best for her placement and would like to thank Wiltshire Police for their continued support
. WorkFit supports people with Down’s syndrome to access meaningful work opportunities that can benefit the rest of their lives. We welcome enquiries from police forces inspired by Wiltshire- to find out more please contact the team on 0333 12 12 300 or email us on
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