Alison Thwaite wins award as Learning & Skills Champion

We are delighted to announce that Alison Thwaite, WorkFit Employment Development Officer (North) has won a Highly Commended Award as Learning and Skills Champion at the Manchester Chamber of Commerce’s Skills for Business Awards. As the largest Chamber of Commerce in the UK, the awards are very highly regarded within the business community across the region, giving both Alison and our WorkFit programme well deserved, high-profile recognition.

skills award signThe award is given to people who actively promote investment in learning and skills, and who implement activities which create real benefits to business and individuals within the workforce. Alison was shortlisted with seven other professionals and is “thrilled and delighted!” to have won Highly Commended.

Alison continues to successfully support adults with Down’s syndrome into work and training placements with businesses across the whole region including Holiday Inn Express, Timpson Ltd, Premier Inn, Next, Edinburgh Woollen Mill, Durham University and Haven Holiday’s Blue Dolphin Park.

Many congratulations to Alison!


To find out more about WorkFit and how we support people with Down’s syndrome to access meaningful work opportunities, please contact the team on 0333 12 12 300 or email us on

For more information visit the WorkFit website





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