WorkFit candidates welcome Tom Pursglove MP, Minister for Disabled People, Work & Health, to their workplaces

Minister for Disabled People, Work & Health, Tom Pursglove MP, visited two WorkFit candidates, Alex and Ese, in their jobs at two London employer sites: Savills and Cord, accompanied by WorkFit Manager Alison Thwaite and DSA Policy Manager Chris Rees to talk about the success of the programme.


During the meeting, Tom Pursglove MP was introduced to Alex and Ese, who shared their experiences of the workplace, and how they were supported to find, and maintain, their jobs through the WorkFit programme. WorkFit is the Down’s Syndrome Association’s highly successful employment programme, which engages with a range of employers to support candidates who have Down’s syndrome into a variety of suitable jobs. The WorkFit programme supports anyone who has Down’s syndrome and who wants to work, to fulfil their career ambitions and potential.


Alex has worked at Savills as a Customer Experience Operative since June 2022. Alex and his workplace buddy from the security team at London Bridge City (LBC) walk around the estate to ensure a safe and enjoyable experience for all visitors. This might include giving directions, checking if someone needs help or impressing visitors with the interesting facts that many people don’t know about the estate.




Ese has worked at Cord as an Operations Administrator since July 2021. She welcomes visitors to the site, and carries out administration tasks and ordering of stationery and other office supplies.

Both Alex and Ese were happy to share their experiences, and there was much to share about the WorkFit process, and our track record in getting amazing candidates into, and remaining in, employment plus the huge impact this has on individuals and their workplaces. Thank you to everyone involved.



To find out more about WorkFit and how we support people who have Down’s syndrome to access meaningful work opportunities that can benefit the rest of their lives, please contact the team on 0333 12 12 300 or email us on For more information visit the WorkFit website:




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